Nokia OSS BSC Commands

( All these commands are only for educational purpose and not any legal acceptable .)

1.                ZEEI ;                          - used to show the status of all sites in BSC
2.               ZEEI :BCF=(bcf no);   - used to check status of  particular BCF
3.             ZEOL:(BCF NO);       - used to check alarm of  particular Site.
4.                ZQSI ;                         - used to check status of  X.25 link
5.                ZNEL;                        - to check status of all TCSM.
6.           ZEFS:(bcf no):L/U;     - used  to  lock/unlock   BCF.
7.           ZEQS:BTS=(BTS no):L/U;   - used to lock and unlock sector.
8.           ZERS:BTS=(BTS no):TRX=(TRx no):L/U; Used to lock/unlock individual TRx
10.              ZAHO:ET,( ;   - To check alarm on ET. 30,37
11.              ZUSC:ET,;  - Used for making ET block and working.
12.              ZDTF:TCSM, ;  - State checking of ET.
13.              ZEEL;   -To see no. of calls continuing in a BSC
14.              ZAHO;  -To see all BSC related alarm
15.              ZEOL:(BCF no);  -To see all alarm related to one BCF
16.              ZEOH:::BCF=BCF num; To see  alarm history of a site
17.              ZEOL::NR=7706;  -To see all sites having OMU blocked
18.              ZEOL::NR=7704;  -To see all sites having PCM blocked
19.              ZEOL::NR=7705; -To see all sites having LAPD failure
20.              ZEOL::NR=7411; -To see all  sites on  battery
21.              ZQUS(Enter twice):BCF=(BCF no):TRE=1:2;7(Enter)1(Enter)200(Enter) - To know the              receiving power of  a PDH link :ODU:
22.              ZEEL:BCF(Enter)Select Option;  -To know the blocked BCF/BTS/TRx category
21.       ZIGO;  - To know the MML application done with BSC since the last two remote session
23.              ZYEF:ET,(ET no);  - Checking loop in ET
24.              ZEOH:yy-mm-dd:hh-mm-ss:bcf=(bcf no); - Alarm related to particular date and time
25.              ZYMO:ET, ;   -  to check slips on  ET
26.              ZZZZ; - to terminate a   remote  session
27.              ZDSB:::PCM=(ET no); - To find BCF no from a ET no/ Shows  D channel details
28.              ZDTI:::PCM=(ET num);  -To find D channel details
29.              ZEOH::NR=7767; -To see the alarm num history  in  BSC for the last 00.00.00 hours
30.              ZEOL::NR=7767;  -To find out the  sectors down  in one BSC

31.              ZQSC(ENTER)
Command to change physical address

32.              ZQLG(ENTER)
Command to change linkage

Comment-  If  the X.25 link of BSC is locked from remote end the this command is used to unlock the X.25 link  from local BSC end. Then both the command (28,29)  should   be executed

33.              ZDSB:::PCM=(ET NO);  To know wheather  a ET  is in use or not   in use
34.              ZWUP:ET NUM;    - To know a   ET type(TCSM/Abis)
35.              ZQNI;                      -To know the numerical  ID of a BSC
36.              ZQRI:OMU;            -To know  the local IP allotted to BSC
37.              ZAHP:::yyyy-mm-dd;  -To know the alarm history of  BSC
38.              ZERO:BCF=(BCF  NUM);  -To know the TSC value for each trx
39.              ZQWL:BCF=76;  TO know the Q1 address of FIU s present in a  site
40.              ZEFO:BCF ID:IOP;  To know the alarm configuration in a bts site
41.              ZEFX:BCF NUM:INBR=alarm number:POL=OPEN/CLOSE; To change polarity of an external  alarm
42.              ZEFE:  -External  Alarm text modification command
43.              ZDTC: D-channel name: BL/ WO; To change the state of D-channel
44.              ZERC: Trx creation
45.              ZERD: Trx Deletion (trx should be locked before deletion)

46.              ZDSE:  Lap-D creation

This command use for Nokia BSC.
Nokia Command List
Hot Keys:
Ctrl + B repeats last and previous commands on the MML
Ctrl + Y interrupts current command being typed or run
Alarm monitoring:
ZAHO; displays current active alarms in actual MSC and BSC only
ZEOL:#; displays active alarms on BCF (BCF = Site Manager or CF)
ZEEI:BCF=#; displays the operational state of the site
ZEOH:date,time:BCF=#; displays alarm history for site for the date and time listed
ZAHO:ET,#; displays current alarms for that ET (PCM)
ZAHP:ET,#; displays alarm history for that ET
ZEEL:BL; displays locked Sites, Sectors and TRXs on BSC
Investigating Clear Codes:
ZTUT:CLR; displays current clear codes on the MSC
ZTUL:CLR; displays latest history of clear codes
Canceling Bogus alarms on a Site: (Perform both commands)
ZEOR:#:alarm #; cancels alarm on site
ZEFR:#:OMU; resets the OMU (Operations and Maintenance Unit)
Canceling Bogus alarms on a BSC:
ZACC:####; cancels the alarm using the consecutive # in which it came in
ZACA:####; cancels the alarm using the alarm identifier #
Locking and unlocking a Site:
ZEFS:bcf #:L; locks entire Site without Forced Handover
ZEFS:bcf #:U; unlocks entire Site
Locking and unlocking Sectors:
ZEQS:BTS=#:L; locks entire sector down without Forced Handover
ZEQS:BTS=#:L:FHO,#; shuts down entire sector with Forced Handover
ZEQS:BTS=#:U; unlocks entire sector
Locking and unlocking TRXs:
ZERS:BTS=#,TRX=#:L; locks TRX down without Forced Handover
ZERS:BTS=#,TRX=#:L:FHO,#; shuts down TRX with Forced Handover
ZERS: BTS=#,TRX=#:U; unlocks TRX
Resetting the Site or OMU:
ZEFR:#:SITE; restarts SITE
ZEFR:#:OMU; restarts OMU
Bouncing Lap D’s on a Site:
ZDTI:::PCM=#; displays Lap D channels for entire site
ZDTC:lap d #:BL; blocks desired Lap D channel
ZDTC:lap d #:WO; places Lap D channel in working state
Error Checking on an ET (PCM):
ZYMO:ET,#; checks error counter for specific ET
ZYEU:ET,#:SLIDL=5; resets error counter for specific ET
Querying the # of calls on a site:
ZERO:BTS=#; displays all calls on desired sector
ZERO:BTS=#,TRX=#; displays all calls on desired TRX only
Sparing or Rolling a BCSU:
ZUSI:BCSU; displays what BCSU the SP was previously on
ZFWO:BCSU=0&&8; displays what BCSU the BL condition is on
ZUSC:BCSU,#:SP; spares the BCSU with the BL condition on it
Y for Yes executes the command
Statusing Timeslots:
ZEEL::BCF=#; Status the timeslots on a BCF
Status ET alarms on a BSC
ZAHP:ET,:::; Show all ET's that are in alarm
Taking an ET out of Seperated State
ZUSC:ET,#:SE; Will place the ET in a Separated - No Hardware state
Status session for User ID and commands:
ZIGO: Displays commands run for BSC on specific date and time.
Reloading software on a site:
ZEWV:BCF #:BU; Reloads the software on a BCF
Checking OMC alarms:
Open a terminal and telnet to the IP
Log in
Run the following command: df –k
Taking an ET out of BL state:
Go back up the tree to get it back into Working
Rolling the BCCH on a Sector:
ZDTI:::PCM=#; Find out what TSL the radio is on that you want the BCCH on
ZDTC:lapd:BL; Block the TSL on the radio that the BCCH is going to
ZDTC:lapd:AL; Allow activation of the TSL that the BCCH is going to
ZDTC:lapd:WO; Brings TSL to a working state that the BCCH is going to
ZDTI:::PCM=#; Find out what TSL the radio that HAD the BCCH is on
ZDTC:lapd:AD; Deny Activation of the TSL that HAD the BCCH on it
ZDTC:lapd:BL; Block the TSL that the BCCH was on
ZDTC:lapd:WO; Brings the TSL to a working state
Clearing Circuit Releasing Failed in CAS alarms:
The alarm that you are talking about happens on MF circuits and is caused by the LEC not releasing or acknowledging us quick enough. Do to the latency, the Nokia locks out the trunk in question. When you see this alarm you should assume that it is 911 related and the issue needs to be corrected ASAP. The alarm field will be shown below.
SLMSC001 CASU-1 SWITCH 2005-11-27 00:07:37.44
*** ALARM CASU-1 1E001-00 SI9_SO 
1081d 13d 29 0823 01 FF 01 02 01 01 10 00 00 00
If you look above I have highlighted in red the circuit that needs to be reset (1081-13). If you take the circuit to a NU state for about 30 seconds and then back to WO it should clear.
Also, you should get a Low Traffic Capacity alarm with supplementary information. I have the alarm listed below and the supplementary info is in red (02 0386). If you convert 386 from HEX to Decimal it comes out to 902. At that time you can do the command ZRCI:SEA=3:CGR=902:PRINT=5:; and look at the circuit group.
SLMSC001 CM-1 SWITCH 2005-11-29 08:07:22.06
02 0386


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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